CostyCNC program offline, click download button, unzip and click index.html
CostyCNC program offline, clicca sul pulsante "Download", decomprimi il file e clicca su "index.html".
Se non funziona,ricarica pagina,ricollega il cavo USB o modifica il baud rate
Few images example to cut with costycnc foam cutter.
Click right on image with mouse and copy.
Go to Gcode box and click right and click paste.
This test image is used to check if your CNC is correctly mounted at 90 degrees.
Image of low complexity to test costycnc foam cutter machine.
Horse image for cut with costycnc foam cutter. Image have 47 cm height and 40 cm large.
Clicca immagine sotto per video (click image bellow for video)